Saturday, December 20, 2008

Random frustrations

I was cribbing as usual, to a friend, about my blogs. I expressed my insecurities, about whether anyone likes what I write, whether I write run of the mill stuff, or whether what I write really makes sense to anyone. I told her that when I see no comments, I really don't know whether anyone even skimmed through what I wrote, let alone read it! How am I to know whether my blogging is just a waste of time.

She said that she never commented, since there really wasn't anything else she could say over and above what I wrote. Sigh! What do I say? That I am happy that my post has effectively shut all chance of provoking a thought???? Yes, I am frustrated, since I feel a gross waste of time is underway!!! This friend then said, "Why bother? You write because you want to. You write because you like to, why not leave it at that?" For this, all I can say is, that it is really easy to think that way, but very difficult to dissociate myself with the response whilst I keep posting what I feel like!!

Frustrations? INDEED...........


Smi said...

same here dear...I write only becoz I like reading what I write,its like talking to yourself when there is no one around u.By blogging I dont feel the lonliness.

Sindhu Subramaniam said...

Well, it feels ok at times, to sort of put down what you think, just because you want to. But at many other times, I feel like an utter fool, you know like the typical High School loser who gets all dressed up bet is never asked out!!! When the frustrations hit, they hit bigggggg time!!!!

Asma Chang said...

Don't lose heart, dear. It happens with me too. But i console myself by saying, 'That's ok. U're writing to quench your own thirst of writing' Plus, google analytics also acts as a source of encouragement when I see the chart of # of visitors going upward. It tells me that visitors do come and spend some time reading my crap :)